Summary & Itinerary

Ilocos Tour : Summary and Itinerary

When Capstone Institute of Business and Arts was planning this trip to Ilocos, I did not have much expectations. Sure I had heard about Ilocandia and all the raves about it before on the internet but in all honesty, it did not really appeal to me. I just wanted to see the Bangui Windmills, Pagudpud, Kapurpurawan Rock Formation and Paoay Sand Dunes. That was all I wanted.

But I got more than I bargained for.

The Ilocos Region is home to the most amazing tourist destinations in the country. I was pleasantly surprised that even up to now, this trip to Ilocos remains on my short list of my best domestic travels. Ilocos is pure love.

One of my friends was right. Each place has its element. Each place offers an intimate relationship with nature. He believes, for obvious reasons, that wind is the element of this wonderful region. He’s right. Yes, the Bangui Windmills is a proof but really, when you’re in Ilocos, you’ll feel like it is a “wind realm”, not just because of its presence and power but also there’s this constant feeling of being embraced by the wind. I don’t know, the wind there seemed to welcome and entertain us.

For example, during visit to Paoay Sand Dunes — my favorite part of the tour — I was riding on the jeep, looking over this awesome terrain and it made me realize just how wind changes landscapes and shapes cultures. That's just me.


Our trip began with a meet up at the school at around 4pm (Assembly Time). We were over 100+ students and a tour guides-slash drivers was with us. We were able to leave the place 150 minutes later. We had several stopovers starting at a gas station along SBFZ. Truth is, I actually don't remember much about our moments inside the van because I was sleeping most of the time. However, every time we stop (which happened 4 times so some of us could buy food, pee, buy food, and pee) I would wake up, pee, buy food and go back to our bus eat and go back to sleep.


The next time I woke up we were on the way to Bangui Windmills. Here's our itinerary for Day 1:

We spent the Night 1 at the Hotel in Bantay, Ilocos Sur. We actually arrived at the hotel around 7:30pm but we were sooo tired that we all want to sleep right after checking in. But first we took a bath, ate outside the hotel in Jollibee to get some dinner and went back to the hotel to get some rest.


Our Day started earlier than 6am. We ate our breakfast by 7am. With renewed energy, we were more than excited to hit the road again especially that we already had an idea on what was in store for us that day.

We explored the Vigan City particularly Calle Crisologo, bought a tonne of pasalubong and hit the road to Quirino Bridge.
It's already late when we finished touring in Quirino Bridge our final destination. After all, the tour was so cheap but still we actually believed we got what our money was worth.

Overall, I love Ilocos. I think it's one of the best and most gorgeous places I have visited EVER. Ilocos is just very easy to fall in love with.

We arrived at around 11pm in Olongapo City.

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