Thursday, January 5, 2017

Paoay Sand Dunes: Getting Down and Dirty in Ilocos Norte, Philippines

I shouted in a mixture of excitement and panic as the 4×4 jeepney we were riding stirred dust across the vast arid land.

We were SO happy, the vehicle accelerated under the rising bright skies and there we were in the middle of a desert in Ilocos Nort, just about to start our sandy adventure. Up and down the sand dunes we went while we struggled to keep a good grip on the safety bars. Taking photos was a challenge, I certainly did not want to be in the next day's news about a blogger who accidentally and stupidly got thrown off the vehicle.

We were in the middle of Paoay Sand Dunes, one of the many thirsty lands in Ilocos. On the plane while approaching the Laoag runway, my eyes were treated to view of spectacular landscapes, which are patched with many mini-deserts. This place was one of those.  Paoay Sand Dunes is an 88 sq km parched paradise that lies adjacent Suba Beach. It is one of the two most popular sand dunes sites in the province, the other one being La Paz in Laoag City.

Imagine sandboarding here!

Jump shot

The 4×4 jeepney can carry up to 5 pax (excluding the driver and passenger seats)

Watch my vlog below...


That was the first time I've ever done that I don't even know how to use a skateboard haha but still I manage not to fall. It was pretty scary at first but that was fun!

Better check it out mates!

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